Rules Builder - Approaches

Rules Builder - Approaches

Building Approaches
The best way to think of your approach is going to be by position. Ask yourself 'if I am hiring back for an engineer, who am I calling back?'. Approaches differ from lists in that you will be able to use multiple lists for a single approach. 

To start, go to Callbacks > Approaches and Rules > New Approach

            Your list option pulls directing from your callback lists in the system. 
      - Group
           The groups that exist within the employee section of the system
      - Specialty
            The specialty classifications within the system. 
      - Qualifiers
            This uses the already existing qualifiers within the assistant module. 
           Uses 'date of hire' to base the selection solely on years of service

Using the 'and' option within the approach will filter down from the larger list. So, in the scenario above, the system is complying a callback 'approach' that is going to look for anyone on the Firefighter callback list who also has the classification of PM. With the new Rules Builder, you are able to see who will be on the callback list, but not the order in which they will be in. 

Using the 'or' option will add people from other lists to create a larger list. So, using the example above, it will look to first hire someone from either the Firefighter list OR the PM classification, which adds people to the approach. 
The approach does not determine the ranking, just the people who it needs to order. 
Tiers are like secondary and tertiary callbacks. So should the first tier's callback fail to fill the position, the second tier would start. 

  1. Wait time between tiers will determine how long the first tier is open before it moves to the second tier and so on. Should you set this to 0, the callback will move between the tiers until it finds someone to fill the shift. 
  2. Closing out the previous tier will make it so that only one tier's worth of employees can respond back while it is calling people in that tier. So if an employee is in the first tier and the system has already started calling people in the second tier, the system will show them no longer eligible for the callback. 
  3. Overriding the max will allow you to say that when hiring from this specific approach, a different max consecutive limit may come into play. For example, if the approach is for something that has no limit, you will be able to set that here. 
  4. Overriding the buffer would prevent the system from making someone unavailable if they did not have off enough time between schedule entries or any buffers that are associated with being available within a certain amount of time before or after time off. 
  5. Overriding time off types allows you to select specific time offs that will qualify for the callback. So if vacation can only be overruled for a specific hiring type, you can set that here. 
Approaches can not be edited once you create it-- you will have to archive it and start over. This is due to the integrity of the lists in correspondence with the rules. Once you hit save, the approach is uneditable. Make sure you have it set as you wish before you save. 

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