Responding to CallBack Opportunities

Responding to CallBack Opportunities

There are multiple ways for employees to respond to CallBacks. Each user can set their preference in their own user profile here:

The options are:

- Phone Call

- Text / SMS

- Pager

- Mobile App

Employees will also be notified via email of any CallBack opportunities, and can accept / deny / respond via the Web application.

When responding to a CallBacks via a Phone Call, the user simply has to follow the in-call prompts.

When responding to a CallBack via Text / SMS, the user simply has to respond directly back to the message; with the instructions provided. For example, '12345 YES' to accept; where 12345 = the CallBack ID# they are responding to.

When responding to a CallBack via the Mobile App, the user simply has to select if they want to Accept or Deny the overtime shift from within the app.

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