While your approach dictates who you are hiring, the rule is how the list is ranked, managed and awarded. With the Callback Module, rules used to be global. Now, any approach can be used with any rule-- there is no limit to how you can call and award a shift within the Rules Builder.
Creating rules, much like approaches, is simple and easy. Rules will determine how each individual callback treats ranking.
There are three basic types of rules.
Rotating - The list moves like a Rolodex
Accumulation - an employee moves based on a total number
Static - the list is always the same
Within each of these three basic rules, you'll find options on how the rule works, along with settings that determine what matters within each of the rules.

Any rules within this method will move in some sort of standard rotation, whether the rotation is based on a 'turn' or on a total number of turns.
The Standard Rolodex moves by offering the shift as a whole to the employee. How that employee moves within the Rolodex is set within the rule settings.
Depending on which rules you choose, the rule settings may be different. The standard Rolodex, for example, does not have a place to input how many hours move the employee to the bottom of the list, where the accumulating Rolodex does.
You can select that the rule affects any approach and callbacks, or it can affect all approaches as a global rule.
Callback Status- Depending on where the callback is in the process, it may charge or uncharge callbacks based on if it is active, filled, not filled or canceled.
Callback Responses- The person will move to the bottom of the list or be charged for the callback based on their response -- accepted, denied or ignored.
Minimum Callback Length- Charges or moves the employee only for callbacks that are longer than the given amount of hours.
Maximum Callback Length- Only moves the employee for callbacks less than a given amount.
When you use the accumulating Rolodex, a few more options populate.
Accumulated Callbacks Cutoff- How many callbacks are the employee offered before they move to the bottom of the list.
Accumulated Hours Cutoff- How many callback hours must the employee work before they are moved to the bottom of the list.

Accumulation Based
Accumulation based means that something totals together to create the rank. The two possible rules here are hours based and turns based.
Both methods will give you most of the rule settings listed above, however, it will add the option of choosing when the list resets.

Static Rule-
The static sorting methods mean that the list never changes unless a manual move is made, or if numbers are changed within the system. Callbacks will not change the order and will always call the same person first.
Manual Adjustment Only- The ranking is set manually by the admin and can only be changed and reordered by an admin.
Seniority Based- Using the date of hire within the system, this will order the employees by the most senior employee.
By Employee ID- Uses alphanumerical sorting to set the employee order
Random- You will be able to select between two different methods
Is the order the same for each callback? - deterministic random
Is the order different for each callback? - lottery method
You can create and archive as many tules as you want.